Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Organic Weight Loss Supplements!

Spring breakor maybe Summer for you is approaching and many people are trying to be on their best shape to show off the body they worked so hard for. Here are some organic foods that can aid on your weight loss/fat loss with extra benefits on your health. I listed My Top 5 Organic Weight Loss Supplement that I find really helpful.

1. ORGANIC Apple Cider Vinegar
  •  It gives a thermogenic effect; it increases body heat and helps your body burn more calories or fat.
  • It suppresses your appetite (no more cravings !!)
  • It helps in protein breakdowns and growth hormone production.
  • Lowers glucose in the bloodstream (slows down starch digestion).
  • A powerful antioxidant —flushes away toxins and free radicals out of your body. It can also be applied topically to cure acne.
  • Have an anti-inflammatory effect.
Note: If taken orally, it is suggested to take 3 Tbsp. of ORGANIC apple cider vinegar mixed with some water, 1-3 times a day.This is corrosive to your teeth so make sure to rinse your mouth with water. Make sure that you buy an ORGANIC apple cider vinegar such as Bragg's Organic Apple Cider Vinegar available in any whole food or health stores.

2. Green Tea
  • Great antioxidant (flushes away toxins and free radicals)
  • Increases metabolism and gives a thermogenic effect to your body (more calories burned).
  • Suppresses appetite
  • Gives you more energy (it contains caffeine)
  • Keeps you calm and satisfied
Note: Most, if not all, fat burner/weight loss pill contains Green Tea extract. Enough said!

3. Coffee
  • Keeps you focus and a good stimulant.
  • Enhance your performance and productivity because you are more focus!
  • Suppresses appetite
  • Gives a thermogenic effect to your body (more calories burned!)
Note: This doesn't mean you go to Starbucks everyday and order some Frappucinno with double shot of espresso and extra whipped cream. A cup of coffee in the morning and before working out is enough, do not drink too much coffee.

4. Omega Rich Oils (Extra Virgin Olive oil, Extra Virgin Coconut oil, Sesame seed oil)
  • Reduces LDL cholesterol
  • Anti-inflammatory effects
  • Increases the rate of fat oxidation; hence more fats are burned.
  • A great anti-oxidant.
Note: 1-2 Tbsp. a day will be ideal. Fish oil supplements can be substituted but only take 1-2 capsules a day because taking too much fish oil supplement may cause and upset stomach or internal bleeding.

5. Cinnamon
  • Lowers blood glucose and cholesterol.
  • Help suppress appetite
  • Mild anti-inflammatory effects.
  • It adds flavor to your food!!!

1 comment:

  1. The 2-ene Halotest steroid is very unique and seems to impart some serious strength gains along with some water weight, making it a great choice for stacking with androsterone.
