Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Diet Types

Any of these diets work but the main idea is CALORIES IN = CALORIES OUT.

The diets below are mainly for body recomposition or losing body fat.

FREQUENT MEALS (4-6 Meals a day)
Paleo Diet
Paleo diet also known as Caveman Diet is based on the ancient diet that our Ancestor's used during the Paleolithic Era. The diet consists of meat, fish, nuts, fruits, roots and vegetables. This diet restricts the consumption of dairy products, legumes, processed foods, sugar, grains and salt. 
Example: Almonds, Coconut, sweet potato, plantain, banana, meat, fish, poultry, cassava, spinach
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Atkin's Diet
This diet restricts the consumption of carbohydrates to force your body into a ketosis state. Carbohydrates in the diet cause an insulin (a "storage" hormone) output in the pancreas. It is used to store glycogen, amino acids into muscles, while causing excess calories to be stored as fat. Generally speaking, our body uses glycogen as fuel source but since we restrict carbohydrates, our body switches to fat as an energy source which we call Ketones.
Example: Bacon, Eggs, Meat, Fish, Nuts, Oils, Poultry 

CKD Diet (Cyclical Ketosis Diet)
This is another for of the Atkin's diet but it does not restrict carbohydrates completely. The idea is to not consume more than 70g of carbohydrate during the weekdays and eat a high fat, protein meals with green veggies. Simple carbohydrates should be avoided during the weekday except for 20g of dextrose mixed in protein shake after working out.
This diet allows you to have a 36hrs. carb load which  helps our body store amino acids and carbohydrates as glycogen, into the depleted muscle allowing you to be able to workout again the following week. 
for more info on this diet please refer to this LINK

TKD Diet (Targeted Ketosis Diet)
This is another variation of the Atkin's diet with the exception of allowing complex carbohydrates meal before working out and a whey protein and dextrose shake after working out. After this, you will follow a regular ketosis diet (fat and protein).

Key points: While on a ketogenic diet, stay away from bright colored vegetables and just eat green leafy vegetables for carbohydrates.

Carb-Cycling Diet

This diet is divided into three parts:
Low Carb Days (3days)
High Carb Days (2 days)
No Carb days. (2 days)

The key idea of this diet is CARBOHYDRATE MANIPULATION. Basically, during the low carb days, you are allowed to consume a fair amount of carbohydrates on your three meals (assuming you eat six meals a day). The high carb day is similar to the carb load day of the CKD diet. You are allowed to eat a huge amount of carbohydrate on your four meals (assuming you eat six meals a day). During the No carb day, you will be following a High protein, moderate fat and no carbohydrates (a fair amount of green leafy vegetables is allowed).

(1-3 meals a day)
Controlled Fasting Diet
The concept of this diet is to fast for 16-18hrs. a day (includes sleeping hours) and eat for 6-8hrs. Fasting for more than twenty hours is not really recommended because if amino acids are not available from food, protein must be taken from bodily stores such as muscle. They key word here is "Controlled" which means you feed your body right before it starts breaking down protein as fuel source.
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