The BIG 3 Lifts:
It trains primarily the muscle of the thighs, hips and buttocks,hamstrings, as well as strengthening the bones, ligaments and insertion of the tendons throughout the lower body.
Deadlift is a compound movement that works grip strength with the erector spinae, gluteus maximus, adductor magnus,hamstrings, and quadriceps serving as the primary muscles. The remaining muscles are involved in stability control. It is, in a sense, the purest test of strength because it is one of the few lifts of dead weight (weight lying on the ground).
Bench Press
It utilizes pectoralis major, anterior deltoid, long head of biceps brachii and coracobrachialis to flex the shoulder. It also uses predominately triceps brachii and anconeous to produce elbow extension. Wider hand spacing creates larger emphasis on shoulder flexion and narrower hand spacing utilises more elbow extension. Because of this a wider spacing is associated with working pectorals and narrower hand spacing is associated with working triceps.
In addition to the major phasic (dynamic) muscles the bench press also uses tonic (stabilising) muscles: scapular stabilisers (serratus anterior, middle and inferior trapezius), humeral head stabilisers (rotator cuff muscles), and core (transverse abdominis, obliques, multifidus, erector spinae, quadratus lumborum).
Starting Strength
Workout A
3x5 Squat
3x5 Bench Press
3x5 Deadlift
Workout B
3x5 Squat
3x5 Standing military press
3x5 Barbell Rows
Week 1
Monday: Workout A
Wed: Workout B
Friday: Workout A
Week 2
Monday: Workout B
Wed: Workout A
Friday: Workout B
The days are just an example but you can train any day of the week as long as they are 3 non-consecutive days.
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Intermediate Lifters (At least 4 months of lifting experience)
Bill Starr 5x5 Program
Advance (At least 8 months of lifting experience)
Day 1 (Monday) Quads,Hamstrings,Back,Biceps,Abs
4x Squats: 5 reps
4x Leg curls: 8-10 reps
4x Barbell Row: 8-10 reps
4x Bicep Curls: 10-12 reps
4x Abs Work: 15 reps
Day 2 (Tuesday) Chest,Triceps
4x Bench Press: 5 reps
4x Incline Press(Barbell or DB): 8-10 reps
4x Decline Bench Press 8-10 reps
4x Tricep Isolation(Skull Crushers/Kick Backs etc.): 10-12 reps
4x Cable Crossovers/Chest Flies/Pec Deck 10-12 reps
Day 4 (Thursday) Hamstrings,Back,Quads,Abs,Lower Back
4x Deadlifts: 5 reps
4x Pullups: 8 reps (30-40 Reps total)
4x Leg Press: 8-10 reps
4x Biceps Curls:10-12 reps
4x Abs Work: 15 Reps
1x Lower Back work:12-16 Reps
Day 5/6 (Friday or Saturday) Chest,Shoulders,Traps,Calves
4x Military Press (Barbell or DB): 5 reps
4x Chest Dips/Arnold DB Press: 8-10 reps
4x Side Lateral Raise: 8-10 reps
2x Reverse Butterfly: 10-12 reps --> Switch to Chest flies/Pec Deck/Cable Crossovers every other week.
4x Trapezius work: 8-10 Reps
3x Calves Work: 12-16 Reps
-Last set of accessory workouts must be a burnout set.
-Deload after 5-6 weeks.
- Deload- A "deload" is a period of time typically a week where either less intensity, volume and/or frequency, or a combination of all three is used to allow accumulated fatigue to dissipitate. A deload is usually recommended every 4-6 weeks (approx). An example would be to train just once or twice during that week using less intensity and/or volume than usual.
-Change Accessory Workouts every week. Don’t Change the ones in BOLD.
Accessory work outs: (Change accessory work outs every week) DB=dumbbells
- Chest : DB Bench, DB Incline, Chest Dips, Resistance-Pushups, Decline Bench Press, Pec-deck, Dumbbell Flies, Cable Cross-over
- Shoulders: DB military, Side Lateral Raise, Front Lateral Raise, Reverse Butterfly, Push-Press
- Back/Lats: DB Row, Chins, T-bar rows, Barbell Rows, Lat Pull downs, Pull ups
- Triceps: Triceps Pushdowns, Triceps Extension, Skull crusher, Kickbacks
- Biceps: Barbell curls, Hammer Curls, Preacher Curls
- Quadriceps: Leg extension, Leg Press, Hack Squat, Lunges
- Hamstrings: Leg Curls, Glutes-ham raise, Romanian Dead lifts
- Abs: Leg Raises, Sit-ups, Side Bends, Crunches, Abs Wheel, Cable Crunches
- Lower back: Hypers, Superman, Good mornings
- Trapezius: Dumbbell Shrugs, Power Shrugs, Upright Rows, Barbell Shrugs
- Calves: Standing Calf-raises, Donkey calf-raises, Seated Calf-raises
<big>De-load Routine</big>: Lift about 60-65% of the usual weight.
- Day 1: UPPER4 sets, 5-8 Reps with a maximum of 90sec. rest for each set.
Bench Press
Military Press/Push Press
Barbell Rows
- Day 2: LOWER 4 sets, 5-8 Reps with a maximum of 90sec. rest for each set.
Lower Back
Abs Work
-Perform a warm up for each compound movement to get your blood flowing and to prepare your body for the exercise you are about to perform.
Perform each rep in a controlled manner (No momentum).
-Keep rest periods short (60-90sec.)
-Try to add 2.5lbs-5lbs every week on your compound lifts i.e. Squats, Deadlifts, Bench Press, Barbell Rows, Military Press.
-Record your progress on the compound lifts.
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